Saturday, August 1, 2009


Why seven? What's so special about the number seven? Is seven significant?
Well PURPLE is the seventh colour of the rainbow,
There are seven daughters of Atlas,
seven stellar objects in the solar system visible to the naked eye:the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
Seven wonders of the ancient world,
7 is the atomic number of nitrogen,
7pH is neutral,
seven days of the Creation - allegedly,
seven days of the week,
seven virtues and seven deadly sins - ah - perhaps this is it - so which of these applies to me? I am not asking anyone, I fear the answers - are they being truthful or wanting to please?


This covers a multitude of sins and virtues but in general I am considered creative with the needle. I learned to sew by making clothes for my dolls by hand and progressing to my mother's hand operated Singer and making things for myself and others. It is very satisfying producing well made articles and does wonders for the ego when others declare your efforts wonderful. Other creative PCooers will testify to this.
This is my most recent creative effort - it is a mantle-piece cover - much loved by the Victorians:

The photo does not reveal the true colours. There is a lot of gold in the fabric and the row of beading gives it a glittery effect. The baby pic is Peter's grandson Theo.

I cannot bear to get rid of anything that has the least attachment to a person, place or occasion that I wish to remember. I keep theatre programmes, letters, (even email printouts), children's paintings, dog collars and balls belonging to dogs long gone, any gift however naff or kitsch. Thus the house is full of boxes labelled 'mementoes' or 'souveniers'. I am aided and abetted by Jim in this habit so goodness knows what our family will think when they have to clear the house in the event of our demise.

Very. I have an opinion on nearly everything and everyone. I know best how to do things and you should have listened to me. This attribute comes in handy when directing a play but is generally resented elsewhere by most people especially by Jim when he has just done something that is not to my satisfaction.

Someone, years ago, once described me as droll. I think he may have confused the words, 'doll' and 'troll'. I checked it out in the dictionary which defines the word as having a dry, witty humour. I certainly have a gift with the 'bon mot' often in a cruel way. The 'victim' does not usually find me funny.
I cannot tell a joke but often irritate Jim by coming out with the punchline when he is telling one before he has finished. I don't know why I do this.

I love a party, a gathering, a night out, dinner with friends, bridge, whatever. I like being with people, talking, laughing, showing off and generally having fun. I particularly like a fancy dress party as the creative skill as mentioned in attribute no. 1 comes in handy.
The only social event that I'm not very keen on is a coffee morning. This is far too staid and usually involves juggling a cup, handbag and several useless items that have been bought at the 'bring and buy'. I also have to watch my 'p's and q's' by not being critical of anything. (see above)

Of course, I am not really lazy. I just select the thing I want to do out of a long list of things I am supposed to do. So doing the Guardian Crossword might come before cleaning the kitchen floor. At the moment writing this blog is taking priority over doing the VAT and walking the dog. The dog will be next because he is making a nuisance of himself. The only time that I am actually idle is when I am asleep.
I have just designed and printed the posters for 'ART'. Perhaps this fact should come under 'CREATIVE'. Here it is:

I am now making the tickets when I should be doing the ironing and cooking the dinner.

I think that this is the personality trait that irks me the most. It is linked to procrastination and laziness. It results in missed opportunities, annoyed friends and family and dead plants amongst other minor disasters. I don't get round to doing things when the time is ripe. 'Strike when the iron is hot' and 'a stitch in time saves nine' would be good mottoes for me.

Well that is seven but I could go on. I haven't mentioned untidy, greedy, shrewd, happy, intelligent, versatile, bad-tempered etc.


Chris Stovell said...

Well I think you sound fab; sharp, intelligent with a wicked sense of humour (I did like the droll/troll)so I should look forwards to meeting you one day. As for the creative sewing, well, I am in awe of all you clever, practical people as I will never, in a million years, have the patience to do that mantlepiece thingy.

Norma Murray said...

Well, you sound just great to me. How wise to think of your own 7 words, trouble is, if left to my own devices I may have cheated, you obviously didn't.

Frances said...

Rose, these words you've chosen to describe yourself do make me so sorry not to live closer to you.

(I could apply quite a few of them to myself if I were to look into a mirror of truth.)

I would so love to see the costumes and other items that you have sewn, having also started my sewing way, way back yonder with incredible wardrobes for my dolls.
It is only recently, with my retail career, that I have stopped making my clothes.

Droll is an attribute that I very much appreciate when I come upon it!


Friko said...

Nothing wrong with any of these.At least you are human, my answers come out a bit robotic and humourless.
Glad to read you're another Guardian crossword do-er. I should have mentioned tenacity in my seven: I never give up the crossword, even if it's one of Araucaria's numberless headbreakers.

loved your answers!

Pondside said...

More than anything (even your movies!) this post made me wish that I could meet you. Give me droll,critical, indolent, shrewd, happy etc any day. I think we'd have a very good day together.


Firstly, can I just say that I'd love to make a mantelpiece cover in Christmassy sort of colours. Can you tell me how? With you on Sentimental, indolent and neglectful; fear I'm also inclined to be critical, although try to disguise this albeit not very well, and also have insistent dog that demands the reordering of priorities. (Loved your definition of droll, too.) Excellent choice.

PS Thank you for the extremely useful castles website this afternoon.

Faith said...

A very honest 7 I think. And how lovely to be so creative - that's a wonderful quality to have.

Calico Kate said...

Great words and descriptions Rosie. The Mantle iece covers looks brilliant.

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

These are wonderful! I so empathise with indolent and neglectful. How exciting to find someone else confessing to letting friends go unvisited and plants unwatered. I thought I was the only one to be so shamefully hopeless while being busy with other, less important things!
Loved this, thank you.

CAMILLA said...

Well you sound just lovely to me, and you are so creative. Another Guardian reader, one of my favourite's too.!

Love the mantle piece covers by the way.
