Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Last Sunday, the weather being fair, we went to the Annual Mushroom Festival at Prunet. We last went three years ago with Fennie and J. Fennie blogged about it in September 2007. Then it was raining and the occasion was a dismal affair with few attractions and not many people either. However we could see that it had promise so Jim and I gave it another go.
Sausage stall
Pink and White Nougat
Garlic Man
There were plenty of stalls selling produce and handmade articles. We bought some ham covered in peppers - at least, Jim did.

Sanglier avec Poivres
 The Mushoom Omlette Championship
L'association des Mangeurs de Champignons fournit aux participants les ingrédients et matériels nécessaires à l'élaboration d'une omelette


Chaque candidat ajoute les produits de son choix à son omelette

And then there was the Mushroom Omlette Championship. Unfortunately, so different from last time, there was a large crush around the tent that it was difficult to see what was going on. I stood on a flower tub to get these pictures.
The first two competitors
The Jury - note the bottle of wine and glasses!
 We didn't stay long enough to see who won. We watched some folk dancing in traditional costume.

Then, of course, there were the mushrooms - of mixed quality!

And a nice little dog . . 


Posie said...

The peppered ham looks delicious. I am so wary of mushrooms since a family nearly managed to kill themselves in Scotland the other year by frying what they thought were edible mushrooms. The garlic man puts my garlic to shame...that's how it should look...

Joanna St. James said...

Salut, hi I just stopped over from the nut press, looks like you are having a great time in France.

Kath said...

Oh my! I'm sadly very very allergic to mushrooms, but they do look amazing... I spotted some nougat, though, so I think I'll have a nibble of that.

Thanks for stopping by The Nut Press! It's lovely to meet someone from the Vale, as I'm in RCT.