Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ruthie and Roofie

Do dogs get depressed? Rufus seems to have done these last few days.

Last week we had a young friend Ruth to stay. She had been let down in her holiday plans by her pals and needed to get away. She works in a care home and finds it hard work. She came to us at the Moulin.

She and Rufus took to each other straight away. It was love at first sight. Ruth brought Rufus a present of a squeaky duck. He loves that too.

Ruthie and Roofie were inseparable. She played ball with him, took him for walks around the Moulin when we were too busy. They sat cooched up on the sofa when we watched DVDS in the evening. I was ignored but I wasn't jealous as I knew it was only for the week.

We took her back to Toulouse last Sunday to catch her flight home.

He hasn't been the same dog since. He has mooched about the house looking forlorn. He runs away from strangers in panic. He has lost interest in all his toys except the duck.

Is he depressed or can he be ill? He is eating okay and, in fact, this morning showed signs of being his old, boisterous self. He played with his ball for a  bit, throwing it in the air and running after it so perhaps he is over his 'black dog' days.


Pondside said...

It sounds as though Rufus has been shot by Cupid's arrow and is suffering the pangs of first love (not, I'm sure, that he doesn't love you - adore you!). Ruthy and Roofie obviously had a bond and he is pining - poor boy - but like so many of his gender, he is bouncing back to normal very quickly!

Fennie said...

Yes, I'd say from my experience that dogs do get depressed, though maybe depression is just what Rufus needs to keep him from jumping up. Maybe Ruth reminded him of where he came from. Touching story though.

Posie said...

Ahh poor Rufus. We look after my parents' dog when they go away and she will often get a little 'down' for the first few days, moping on her chair and refusing to eat, so I think dogs do suffer from depression.

Chris Stovell said...

Ohhh! Rufus looks so gorgeous; what a lucky Ruthie to be the object of his adoration! Glad he's recovering.

CAMILLA said...

Aw, poor Rufas..... when I read this Rosie I could not help shed a tear, as you know I adore doggies.

Yes, think dogs do suffer with depression, Rufas was obviously missing Ruth. Rufas sounds like a gorgeous dog with wonderful personality, hows about putting a pic of Ruth near Rufas, might help him to feel as though she is still there with him, although know that the scent of Ruth will be absent.

Pleased to hear Rufas is recovering and bouncing back to his normal self.