Friday, January 29, 2010

HAMLET - The Comedy

This was planned an as entertainment for our drama group's A.G.M. It is always difficult to get members to attend the A.G.M. - perhaps they are afraid they will get voted onto the Committee against their will - a distinct possibility!

It was Fennie's idea and he was the director. The piece was re-written to last forty-five minutes - cutting out the long speeches but the one rehearsal we had lasted two and a half riotous hours.
No one had to learn any lines as it was a 'scratch' effort and read from the script.

My job was to provide bits and pieces of costume and to make the mulled wine for the interval.

As we had about twenty people (including the cast and crew) attend the idea was regarded as a great success and the evening was just as funny as the rehearsal but was condensed into one and a quarter hours. Well done Fennie - a great idea. Next year - the Scottish play! I want to play Lady MacBeth.

Here follow some photos:


mountainear said...

Excellent - anything to make an AGM anything less of an Annual General Nightmare.

Thank goodness I'm too far away to be co-opted.

CAMILLA said...

Wonderful Rosie, I have always had a little interest in maybe doing some amateur dramatics, never have though as know I would forget my lines. Was given the chance once and I ran a mile.!

Love the fab costumes Rosie.


blackbird said...

It looks like so much fun- for everyone. I think that even I could manage to participate if I could hold a script in my hands. I could definitely help with the mulled wine.

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

I think you are all mad - gloriously so perhaps but mad all the same.
Oh gawd, the verification word is crone. You couldn't make it up.

Pondside said...

What a wonderful group you've got there - good sports all, by the look of it. You did very well with your 'bits and pieces'!